Professionally presented academic work garners respect – and IQc delivers it.

Academia is a world unto itself ... yet the wisdom it nurtures has never been more important to society than it is today. The work of its faculty and alumni provides the foundation for solutions to problems of all kinds: social and technical, urgent and looming, abstract and concrete. Too often, however, the powerful message of great thinkers with important ideas is obscured by poor presentation.   

As academia and the world beyond become more competitive, the professionalism of academic work grows in significance. Great ideas are no longer enough; credibility increasingly depends not only on intellectual rigor but on professional execution. And credibility is essential to success, whether that success is measured by completion of a critical paper, delivery of an honors-worthy dissertation, publication in a professional journal, or development of a marketable commercial manuscript based on scholarly expertise.    

IQc is a unique resource for academics striving for success. Owner Eliza Dolin is an honors graduate of two Ivy League institutions and a published treatise author and editor. Bitten by the academic bug so early on, she has devoted a significant portion of her professional life to analysis and education regarding public policy and social science issues. These experiences, as well as hard-won expertise in the importance of professional messaging, inform her work for every one of IQc’s academic clients.        

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